What can faith say to COVID?

Lockdown Reflections: What can faith say to COVID?

We live in extraordinary and painful times. At the very least, our plans for 2020 have all been thrown up in the air; our routines have been destroyed; questions of life death confront us with a whole new gravity.

What difference does the Christian faith make at a time like this? When Christians speak of hope, what does that really mean? How can we move beyond vague wishful talk to a meaningful encounter with God? What is God saying to us in the midst of this? How do I pray to God right now?

The video below is a 15 minute reflection on a Christian Response to COVID. It was originally given as a talk to set up an on-line discussion of the issues.

If you would appreciate prayer or a phone call at this time please drop me a line on richard.dryer@ststephens.london

Rev’d Richard Dryer (Vicar, St Stephen’s Church)